Delivery and Curbside Pickup. Groceries in as little as one hour.
Delivery and Curbside Pickup. Groceries in as little as one hour.

Helpful Tips for Ordering in the Wegmans App

To ensure the quality and safety of items, we do not accept returns for online orders. You may, however, receive a credit on your next order if you are not satisfied with your order for any reason.

For an order placed through the Wegmans App
, follow these steps:

  1. When your order has been completed, you will receive a text with a link asking you to review your order.
  2. Tap the link, then tap “Next” and rate your experience.
  3. Tap “Report an Issue” below the comment box and select the reason for the refund (Wrong item, Missing item, Damaged item, etc.). Then, select the item and tap “Submit issues.” You will receive an email from Instacart letting you know the amount that will be refunded to your account.

For an order placed through the Instacart App,
follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Instacart app and tap the Account icon to access your account; select “Your Orders” to find the purchase with the item you would like a refund for and tap on the order.
  2. Tap the “Rate Order” button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Rate your order 4 or less stars or tap “Report an Issue.”
  4. Select the reason for the refund (Wrong item, Missing item, Damaged item, etc.) and select the item. When you are finished, tap “Submit Issues.” You will receive an email from Instacart letting you know the amount that will be refund to your account.

Fast & Flexible Delivery is designed to increase speed and availability by matching your order with real-time shopper availability. The new feature eliminates the need to check back for updated delivery times at your store. Instead, you can set it and forget it, allowing Instacart to match your order with the first available delivery time. When you choose Fast & Flexible, you will see an estimated delivery range (e.g., Tuesday through Thursday) and receive a notification when your order is picked up by a shopper and scheduled to arrive at your home. Please note, this option is available for delivery only and your order could come at any time during the delivery range.

To sign in, tap the Menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen; next, go to the bottom of the menu and tap “Sign In/Register.”

Enter your email and password, then tap the “Sign In” button. If you do not have a Wegmans Online account, tap “Create an Account” to set one up and take advantage of great features, including digital coupons.

If you forgot your password, tap “Forgot password?” and follow the prompts to reset it.

To add an item to your list, simply enter the name of the item in the search field at the top of the screen.

Tap the item you were looking for and tap “Add to List” or “Add to Cart” (depending on whether you selected In Store, Curbside Pickup or Delivery).

You can change the quantity of the item by tapping the plus or minus sign on the left or right side of the button.

To change your in store list to an order for Curbside Pickup or Delivery, view your list and tap “Order for Pickup or Delivery” at the bottom of the screen.

Next, select either Curbside Pickup or Delivery. You will be asked whether you wish to transfer those items to your new preference. Tap “Yes, Transfer Products”.

Once confirmed, tap “Go to Checkout” and complete your transaction.

To modify your order, tap on the Menu icon in the upper left-hard corner of the screen. A menu will appear; scroll down and tap on “My Orders & Receipts.”

You must be signed in to see this additional menu option. If you are not signed in, you will see “Sign In / Register” at the bottom of the menu. To modify your order once you’re signed in, select the order you wish to change and tap the “Modify Order” button.

Once you are done modifying your order, you will need to proceed to checkout and place your order again.

The easiest way to locate your past purchases is from the Home screen. If you are not on the Home screen, tap the Home icon at the top of the screen.

Once you’re there, tap on “My Items.” Here, you’ll find your recent purchases.

This is an easy way to build your shopping list.

Your Shopping Lists can be found by tapping the Menu icon in the upper left hand corner then tapping “Saved Lists”. Any other shopping lists you may have will appear here.

To move items from a Saved List to and Active List/Cart pickup just select the items and tap add to your List/Cart.

phone screen displaying saved list in navigation menu

The “Save for Later” feature is an easy way to create shopping lists for future events (parties, stocking your pantry, etc.).

To add an item to your Save for Later list, tap on the product you wish to add to your list.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap on the “Save for Later” button.

Select the name of the existing list you wish to add your item to or create a new Save for Later list to add your item to.

To move an item from a Saved List to your active shopping list/cart, tap on the Menu icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, then tap “Saved Lists.”

Select the name of the saved list you want to move an item from, then tap on the check box to the left of your item(s).

Once selected, tap the “Add to List” button to move the item(s) to your active shopping list/cart.

Your items will appear in your active shopping list/cart in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Our updated app and website show you when a coupon is available as you browse products or build your list/cart.

To clip a digital coupon, look for the “Digital Coupon Available” icon on an item.

Tap on the item you wish to clip the coupon for and scroll down.

Tap the “Clip” button for the item and you will see the button change to “Clipped” to let you know that you have clipped this coupon.

You can also visit the main Menu in the upper left-hand corner of your screen and tap “Digital Coupons” to view all your available coupons. Tap the “Clip” icon for any coupons you wish to clip.

Find more information about online grocery delivery and curbside pickup.